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Friday, November 23, 2007


After 5 Years...

Now that we are in a place of our own, we finally, after 5 years, had our very own Thanksgiving dinner! Of course the best part was the prospect of cooking the turkey. I was so tired the night before that I didn't get the turkey in the brine bath until the next morning, but at least it got a few hours in before cooking.

We decided to experiment: I stuffed the neck and body with cornbread stuffing, rubbed it with canola oil and then Herb d'Provence and baked it for 3 hours. Then we took it out of the oven, took out the stuffing and stuck it pan and all, on the grill outside and smoked it with mesquite chips for about and hour & a half. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of it (it looked Martha Stewart perfect) but it was seriously some of the best turkey we've ever had. I am so happy it came out good, especially considering it was my very first turkey.

We were going to buy a TV form this guy who posted his on craigslist and when Nick went to his place to check it out they hit it off rather well. We didn't get the TV, but since he was spending the day alone, we invited him for dinner. It was really nice to have company and he is officially our first friend in the area. He turns out to be a Christian and like us, is church shopping. He also used to own a Christian book store and gave us a copy of Lee Stroble's "Case For a Creator" and this really neat magnetic bookmark.

Connor was a very good boy and slept through most of dinner. I forgot to put him in his turkey outfit, so I put him in it today and got a picture. The thing is one of those that will keep him really warm, so I can use it as pj's for at least a few more weeks.

In other news, I finally broke down and got some window coverings for the dining room and kitchen. They are not really what I ultimately wanted, but we are renting and if I got what I really wanted (wood shutters) then I'd be putting an investment in the house that is not ours and not to mention, expensive. So I opted for some cute curtains. I'm still not sure I like floral print, but when we get the dinette set, hopefully it will look better. The point is to have some more privacy and keep out the light for when we DO get that TV.

Today I am working on the yard (taking a break right now.) It rained for about a week so the weeds just sprung up like mad. I've got most of the front yard done. I've got to mow and spray off the driveway and sidewalk. The backyard is another adventure altogether. For some reason the weeds are a lot worse back there. I can't mow back there yet though because we got a frost last night and the lawn is still frozen (it's on the northern side) but I just can't put it off another week. I've got to get it mowed while it's still green. Not to mention, I'd like it to look nice for Christmas decorations. Also, I was spraying the weeds on the south property line and found a jelly fungus! This is the first one I've ever seen, so I was pretty excited to find it. I got my camera right away, especially since I accidentally sprayed part of it with the weed killer, so I don't know if I have doomed it or not.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


So Excited, I Nearly Cried...

Well here is another delirious 5am blog but the excitement is still high.

I took a trip to Target yesterday and they got all the Halloween stuff moved over into clearance and they are setting up CHRISTMAS!!!! Now normally I'd be pretty annoyed at how early they have everything out but this year is different and it just goes to show how perspective changes everything.

This is the first year since we have been married (5 years) that we have a home and will actually be able to decorate and have a tree and cook a real Christmas dinner. It may seem like some small thing but not to me. Christmas was always so much fun growing up and when my parents divorced that began to change. We still had Christmas but it was split up between houses and it always involved some fight over who got the kids and for how long. Then I moved out and got my own Christmas tree in a box but still went to the family gatherings. Eventually I moved away to TX and the first Christmas there I spent with my extended family with whom I was living and Nick. He and I had been dating since October. So we had a "real" Christmas then and it was nice but not our own yet.

So anyways, at Target they actually have an entire aisle dedicated to stocking stuffers! (one of my favorite things!) They didn't have the trees set up yet which makes it feel ultimately "Christmassy" but they had the candy, ornaments, lights, cards, paper and bows out. I couldn't resist buying a frosted glass Yoda ornament as Connor's 1st (Nick calls him Yoda). I am just so tickled pink that even though it will be just the 3 of us (unless we get some surprise visitors) it WILL be Christmas this year!

Oh yeah, and the decorating! I can't wait to hang lights on the outside of the house!!! I think I want to go with the large multi-colored ones, kinda old-fashioned since our house is made to kinda look like a 1930's bungalow mixed with your modern "garage out front" track home. I also have 8 little cyprus trees and 2 young maples to wrap in lights. I might even get one of those lighted deer for the lawn. Call me silly but I want to do it, at least once in my life. I want a wreath on the door and a tree in the window and my baby crawling around in piles of crinkly, shiny paper and Bing Crosby playing on the radio. I don't care how many presents are around the tree, I just want to experience it and share it with my husband and son. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!

P.S. Connor finally just fell back to sleep, so it's back to be for an hour or two. HOORAY!

Friday, November 02, 2007


3rd Post of the year..Let's CELEBRATE by looking at tons of pictures!

Talk about getting behind. I actually meant to do this last year but TOO LATE NOW! I'm just going to focus on 2007...

Picking up where I left off with our baby-making trip to Niagara Falls on Christmas, you should all have figured out by now that I s'ploded a baby boy named 'Connor' about 8 weeks ago. The time has just flown by since then. I can't believe we have already celebrated the first of many fun holidays to come. For the last 5 years or so, we haven't really celebrated much of anything, and if we have, it's been late and jut doesn't feel the same. Speaking of which...

I'll start here with January 1, 2007. We got to Boston on Christmas day...How depressing. Yet again no tree, no gifts, no family, no friends, new town and yucky weather. And unbeknownst to me, I was really cranky because I had just popped an egg. Oh yeah, fast forward to the 1st... I got all dressed up in a new dress and Nick got dressed up in his celebration Tommy Bahama silk pants and shirt and turned on the telly to watch the ball drop while we drank a bunch of the most expensive champagne I've ever had. We actually celebrated something! AMAZING! forward to the 4th. My friend Shanny just had her son and I found out that the night of crankiness in Niagara Falls on Christmas eve turned out to be the last night Nick and I would ever be "2" again. I got my first + pregnancy test!

Doodleeydoot... fast forward to...well...later. By this point I had pregnancy brain and I started to lose track of time. ( I now have "mommy brain" and still have no concept of time.) Anyhow, I got to go to NM the first of 2 times. Mom and I gathered together with some girls for a real "High Tea" which was super-yummy and fun! We all wore hats and took lots of pictures and gorged ourselves on finger-food and clotted cream. I also got to visit with my friend Shanny, her son, her hubby (who were visiting from Germany) and the rest of the gang although I wish I could have visited longer. My Mom and I also took a trip up to Taos (my first!) and bought fun toys for the baby. THAT was a relaxing trip!

So by May Nick and I were gearing up to leave Boston to head back to our "home" in Dallas...Just in time for the hellish weather and killer mosquitoes. But before then, we got a short project in New Jersey so I got to spend a little time in NY. Unfortunately I was pregnant-tired and alone so I didn't get to do much but at least I can say I went and I have pictures to prove it! I even went up to the top of the Empire state building.

We got back to Dallas and started apartment shopping and I also went back to NM for a second trip to help my Mom after a surgery. This ended up being a miserable trip... Well, it was good, but the weather was miserable, worse than Dallas for sure. DRY, HOT, HIGH ELEVATION, BABY IN MY LUNGS & NO AIR CONDITIONING DO NOT MIX!!!

So things didn't work out in Dallas to our extreme dismay and we headed up to Minneapolis. By this time I am 7 months preggo and getting pretty miserable. Driving long distances + pregnant woman = misery. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that the only reason we ended up in MN is so I could give birth to the baby there. I think if I had in Boston or Dallas, I would have had a MUCH worse experience and I wouldn't have met Jeannette who helped me through labor. At least my mom got to come visit and on HER birthday too!

Fast forward 2 weeks after Connor is born and we rush rush rush to pack and move out. This was truly the most miserable experience of my life, bar none. I have this brand new baby that I want nothing more than to just hold all day and night, I'm barely able to get up and down the stairs still and here we to Oregon.

On our way we at least got to stop and see Nick's family and share the baby but it turned into a lot longer stay than we had anticipated. Really, the DRIVE turned out to be a lot longer due to the trailer being loaded with the weight ill-distributed. We had to drive 45 mph or less through South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana, adding to the misery but thankfully we made it safely. Days later we ended up in Oregon, where I've always wanted to land but never thought I'd get here. We got a cute little house with a real yard, front and back and we even have a giant volcano close by! One of the best things about it so far is the great mild weather and Nick finally got a BBQ grill!

Oh yeah, we did manage to make a couple of cool stops on the way which in a way, made the trip better (but longer.) Mt. Rushmore and the Berkeley Pit mine in Montana.The woods outside our window in Billerica, MA

Nick & Connor at Mt. Rushmore on an absolutely gorgeous day


Nick and I drove up to Cape Ann before we left Boston

A puffer fish bath toy I got in Taos

A Spring Peeper Nick found for me when we were in Boston

Me on the top of NY

Nick and Connor at the Berkeley Pit Mine

The Bed and Breakfast we stayed at in Connecticut

Nick the "Grill Master"