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Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Duck or Goose? (Update!)

We live in an area surrounded by a canal and water-ways, so naturally there is a bit of wild life. We took some cat food to feed the turtles and there was this friendly bird that you see here in the picture. He/She was the only on of it's kind we saw. I'm not sure if it's a duck or a goose though. This was so sad. The bird was so friendly and wanted so bad to eat a treat like the rest of the ducks and turtles, but for some reason couldn't swallow. The food just kept falling out of it's mouth. I'm going to go back to see if it's still there and try to feed it something softer. It was a sweet and curious bird. Hopefully it doesn't starve to death.

I finally found out what the bird is! I think I'll name him Howard.