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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


New Politics


Australia lifted it's ban on cloning human embryo's. I think it's a travesty, but I also say "Good, let them screw up and figure out it's a worthless chase so we don't have to." At the same time, let's not be whiny Americans that act like 2 year-olds and whine: "Waaaaaaa! The Australians are doing it, why can't weeeeeeeee?" Oh wait, the Missourians just voted up "protecting" embryonic stem cell research. DOH!

Arizona proclaimed English as their official state language. Good for you Arizona, now if the rest of the USA would just catch on...

It seems Colorado, Nevada & South Dakota voted down making marijuana legal. No worries pot-heads, this doesn't mean that the plants growing in your closet or back up on the hill behind your house are going to shrivel up and die. It just means that your local Starbucks won't be converting into a Hashbar any time soon.

Overwhelmingly, I've seen so far the vote to keep the definition of marriage between one man and one woman as it is. Good, we are one step above keeping the definitions of things like "elephant" to mean "either of two large, five-toed pachyderms of the family Elephantidae, characterized by a long, prehensile trunk formed of the nose and upper lip..." rather than "a horse of any small type or breed" or any other definition we might find amusing to please and entertain ourselves and call "the pursuit of happiness."


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