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    Welcome to my Blogspot. This is just a place for me to post pictures and share bits and pieces of my life and the things that interest me. Take some time to look around, I think you'll have fun. Oh, and don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave!

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Monday, February 21, 2005


Coffee and... Al Franken?

Starbucks Cup

Wow, I couldn't believe this one. So I go to heat up the remainer of my Grande, Extra Caramel, Carmel Macchiato, and I notice this writing on my cup that's never been there before. I thought 'Wow cool, kinda like the Chipotle cups that tell a story about the company...well not quite after I took a closer look. It's a quote by Al Franken! Sure there's a disclaimer at the bottom of the cup saying that it's not necessarily the opinion of Starbucks...but who's to say it isn't? Of all the people in the world, why did they have to give Al Franken the platform? Anyway, here is the link to see more "The Way I See It"

Monday, February 14, 2005


Today is V-Day

This is one of my Bass Hall photos.

Howdy. Well, it's been a lame day. Nick's been sick and missed work for the first time ever today. He says he hasn't felt this bad in years. Poor guy. Anyways, Valentine's is really a silly holiday, so I don't even care that we didn't do anything. It's just an excuse to spend money.

Anyways, things are slow here on the Lazy "Z" Ranch...for now. I'm just waiting for that moment that always comes where my life is dramatically changed over night by something moving across the country. My Life As A Snowglobe. Gee, I think I just came up with a better title for this blog.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Jim & Lesley's Wedding

Married December 15, 2004

Click HERE to see more pictures!